©Kirton News 2025

June 2014

The Editors Letter

I asked my wife what I should rant about this month. She, after all, has to bear the brunt of my ramblings and try not to call the nurse in too early. She said tell the people to be nice to each other. To have a good time in the sunshine, but respect other people’s privacy and keep a check on the noise. But you don’t really have anything to complain about - she says.

Well, I won’t complain, I’ll just make a couple of suggestions.

If we have to have a situation where the village is constantly monitored by CCTV can it be extended to cover more relevant areas. Apparently (according to the Borough Planning Department) we don’t have a village centre. So, when the system was updated to digital surveilance why wasn’t it designed to stretch down London Road, past the Black Bull, beyond Markhams antiques (a recent victim of a ‘smash ‘n grab’ attempt by [allegedly] armed intruders) and down towards the potential new mini-mart at number 47? If we have no ‘centre’ every bit is just as important. Take it up the Boston Road as well - if you’ll excuse the expression.

About the Library. A successful meeting was held recently. Successful in that more than twenty volunteers came together to pledge help to staff a future project. Twenty out of, what, five thousand?

In roads are being made to secure the agenda and funding to operate the service most cruelly cut by the County. Do you, the Village of Kirton, really want to retain this facility? If so, we could always do with more.

More people who are prepared to put what is, potentially, a large amount of effort into keeping this service alive. Not just for the grown-ups but the Kids, and more. Get in touch with me - you know the details - and we’ll make this happen. But it has to be sustainable long-term. It has to be for the future. Enthusiasts; fund raisers; bibliophiles; nutters. All welcome.

Going back to my wife; she’ll testify - I don’t get passionate about many things but.... this is certainly one.

The marvelous Mr. Ken Pearson has provided more of his fascinating history snippets - and there’s more to follow - but, if anyone else wants to share their thoughts or interests or - with this years War based events in mind - memories of past family members or Village residents, then get scribbling. There’s plenty of pages to fill for the coming months.

Also, don’t forget; it’s not just bodies in the Library that’s needed -  the Town Hall Committee could do with a boost as well. Come to the AGM on June 17th at 6:30 and see what we do.

Meantime, enjoy the sunshine/cricket/football, or whatever!



A History Digest - part 3

The Kirton of 1861 is not without its law-breakers; only last week a woman called Mary Preston was summond to the courthouse, found guilty of assault, and sentenced to 14 days imprisonment in Kirton House of Correction.

A Band of Hope meeting was held on Thursday in the Weslyan Chapel on the east side of Sutterton Road. Though built as recently as 1845, this chapel already plays an important part in Kirton’s social life.

In many places world-wide, people are enjoying sailing in Kirton-built yachts turned out from a factory in Horseshoe Lane. However, Parkers will be moving their business in 2008, and the site will become residential.

The nineteen-fifties, when they become history, will be remembered in Kirton as the decade when we finally became civilized. By then, the dilly-carts which take away our night-soil will be retired, and every house connected to a mains sewage system.

Our road to Boston, which passes through three other parishes before reaching the town, is not thought suitable for all the new motor traffic using it. So during 1922, a new ‘tarmacadam’ surface is to be laid.

After the year of our Lord 1555, there will be no more arguments in the village about how old people are, when they married, or when they died! From then a permanent register of those events is required to be kept in the church.

Mr. Henry Woodward announced that he has successfully formed a body of musicians which will be known as Kirton Brass Band. By next year, 1871, he has hopes that his players will be proficient enough to be heard by residents.

Many Kirton churchgoers consider the Rev. Edward Marshall B.A. to be their vicar. However, since 1846, nearly 40 years ago, the living has been held by the Rev. William Ludlow, and the Rev. Marshall is his resident curate in charge.

The Road to Spalding, for those who venture so far afield, will become easier in 1281, when a completely new bridge will be completed over the River Glen near Surfleet Church.

A ‘landmark’ structure of Kirton for perhaps five centuries, the last remains of Orme Hall, its gatehouse in Willington Road, will be demolished during 1926. The land has been bought by the County Council.

1810 will be remembered by Kirton villagers as the year when they almost lived on an island! In one of the great storms of this year the eastern sea bank was washed away near Fosdyke, and subsequent tides reached several miles inland.

With the governing of schools becoming the responsibility of the new Education Authorities, our school in King’s Road will no longer have a School Board. From 1902 it will be overseen and financed by Holland County Council.


The Kirton Church Fund

This month’s first prize winner is one of our first time winners and had just renewed his membership for another year proving that it does pay to keep in there! After all, if you’re not in it you can’t win it!

Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish.

We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.

The May draw takes place on Sunday 18th and the winning numbers will be printed in the July/August magazine.

The June draw takes place on Sunday 22nd and the winning numbers will be printed in the September magazine.

The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. We recently donated another £500 to help towards our church’s parish share, the annual amount that we pay to keep our beautiful church.

The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the

Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage.

For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529.

April 2014 Winners

Hall for Hire

Kirton Town Hall is a familiar part of village life. Recent years have seen splendid re-furbishments and a dramatic increase in the use of the building by the general public. It’s an excellent venue for parties and celebrations; concerts and community events; sales, exhibitions and much more.

But it is also an ideal forum for business-to-business use; meetings, conferences and training courses.

The more it is used the more the management can update and increase the facilities provided.

Sunday to Friday charges are:

Whole building: £11.00 per hour - £19.80 after 5pm

Hall only: £9.38 per hour - £15.40 after 5pm

Upsall Room only: £6.00 per hour - £7.75 after 5pm

Saturday: Whole building: £18.80 per hour - £21.30 after 5pm

Hall only: £14.50 per hour - £17.20 after 5pm

Upsall Room only: £7.75 per hour - £10.35 after 5pm

There’s crockery and cutlery to hire; excellent kitchen facilities and posh chairs if you want to impress!

Hall Only: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £186.00

All Rooms: maximum charge for anyone day booking: £176.00

Crockery/Cutlery hire: 35p per place setting (or part setting)

Blue Soft Padded Chairs (100) , Hire fee: £ 30.00

More information about hiring the Hall can be obtained from the booking clerk, Lisa Porter: 01205 724826.


Kirton Kids Club

The outside space at the club will be a blaze of colour by June (we hope).

The children have helped set – not just fruit and vegetables – but lots of wild flower seeds (to help the bumble bee population) and lots of bedding and basket plants.

It makes a huge difference if your surroundings are bright and cheery and we hope to make our outside space exactly that.

The children take turns to water the plants and keep them growing well each day too.

As I write this we are coming into a ‘walk to school week’…where parents and children are encouraged to leave the car at home and walk to and from school each day if they can.

The children at the Kids Club do this every day – before and after school!

Not only are they encouraged to eat healthily but they are shown how to keep themselves in tip top shape with exercising and movement which takes into account play, sports and walking every day.

Walking also makes them aware of road safety and using crossings and lights when walking alongside the roads with the adults.

The children work on topics in their art sessions including keeping themselves healthy with what they eat, what they do and how much sleep they have.

This is a serious topic but if it is made fun the children will hopefully remember it as they grow up into adults.

The club has now been open fifteen and a half years – I wonder how many foot steps that would be every day timed by the amount of children – anyone want to help us to find out?

Breakfast club starts at 7.30am – for £3.50 a session we could take the stress out of those early morning blues - trying to get children ready, fed and walked to school on time.

After school is a snip at £5.50 a session and finishes at 5.45pm –giving you lots of extra time to finish work, go to the gym, meet family or friends or really anything that might need extra time after the school day has ended.

The club offers a ‘free taster session’ where parents/carers are invited to pop in and take a look – along with the children – so they can decide for themselves if it is the place for their youngsters.

Whey not take us up on this – you can contact us via email kkc09@live.co.uk or phone 07583762072.

Children learn through play – let them have fun in bright, safe surroundings and give you some extra time too.


Kirton Town Hall
Management Committee

Kirton town Hall management Committee will be having their AGM on 17 June 2014 at 6.30pm in the Upsall Room at the Town Hall, Kirton. The public and other interested parties are invited to attend.


Thank -you and Welcome

At the Annual Parish Council meeting on the evening of May 15th Mr. Alan Lee stepped down as Chairman after five years of dedicated service. Kirton News would like to say "Thanks" on behalf of the Village for all his sterling work over this time, and send him best wishes for the future.

Congratulations and "Welcome" should also be made to Mr. Ian Turner, taking the Chair and Mr. Colin Brotherton (lately Mayor of Boston and Admiral of the Wash) who assists him in the Vice-Chairman's seat. Let's get some good stuff done then, chaps!!!

Welcome to St. Peter
and St. Paul Church, Kirton

The fellowship afternoons are held in church on the first Wednesday of every month from 2pm – 4pm.

There is a good variety of activities available including dominoes, board games, playing cards, jigsaws and crossword books, magazines to read and plenty of time to chat and socialise. Everyone is welcome to come.
Bring a friend if you wish.

The £1 donation to the club includes refreshments. Come and enjoy a relaxed social afternoon.


Poppy Seed Planing -
Commemoration of World War 1

Thank you for support, we have raised a total of £ 241.36 this exceeds our requirement as only 70 packs were required. The cost of the seeds were £140.00 less a discount of £14.00 giving a total cost of £126.00. £115.36 will go to the poppy appeal - Thank you.

Poppy planting sessions are:

Middlecott School on Thursday 24th April at 11.30am, London Road, Kirton - Cemetery border wall.

Joseph Banks Country Park on the bank between the Westwood Fishing Lakes and the Park:

Girl Guides on Saturday 26th April at 3.00

Scouts on Saturday 10th May at 3.00
To be arranged after the Easter school break.

Kirton Primary School, in the War Memorial garden border and School grounds
Sutterton Primary School, in the border by the cemetery wall in Sutterton
Look out for the next event: Poppy Appeal Charity Fishing Match on Saturday 12th July at Westwood Lakes.

Frampton W.I.

What are you doing at 7:30pm on the second Thursday of the month? Why not pop along to Frampton WI and spend a couple of hours with a dynamic group of ladies. Our ages range from young to quite young to charmingly mature.

How many of you hear WI and think Jam and Jerusalem? Well here at Frampton we don’t start a meeting by singing Jerusalem - some groups do but at the moment at Frampton, we don’t, however we do have some amazingly talented jam makers and the cakes we sample every month are mouth-wateringly scrumptious! We start a meeting by hearing about what is going on in the WI, finding out what is happening in our area and further afield. There is usually a competition, it is not obligatory to enter I hasten to add; I have entered a few and have not won any but as I keep telling myself it is the taking part....... We celebrate members birthdays that fall in that month and there is a gift! ( it is small but very welcome). There is usually an invited speaker which can involve a talk on the benefits and pit falls of doing voluntary work to learning the intricate steps in line dancing! And last but not least the raffle.

Last month I mentioned we had visited the Chippendales and it has been pointed out to me by several people that it was a very long time ago, if you would like a chance to see the Chippendales why not join us and vote for it as an outing! We are having a fun night at Peterborough Dog Racing on 13 August - there are still tickets available. A trip to Sandringham Flower Show on 30 July and this June 4th we, along with the other local WI’s, are welcoming the WI Centenary Baton to the Boston area, commemorating 100 years of the Womens Institute in the UK. We are walking with it along Spilsby Road to Strait Bargate from 11am and will have a display in the Age UK Community Room. Why not pop into Boston and see us on Wednesday June 4th we will be serving coffee, teas and our home made cakes for a very miniscule charge but the chat is free and you can meet a large selection of WI members. In September we are running another fashion show as it was so successful last year, this will be held in Wyberton Parish Hall on the 23 September - doors open at 7pm and we start at 7:30 promptly. The clothing is all mainstream stores to suit all seasons, sizes 8 – 24, no seconds, and all branded names. Tickets £3.50 call Louise on 07961313268.

Treat yourself and have a night out with the girls, do come and join us. We meet in Frampton Village Hall on Middlegate Road (PE20 1AR) every second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm. If you are coming on your own don’t worry, we will make sure you have one of us to look after you and answer all your questions. If transport is a problem let us see if we can arrange a lift for you. Our next meeting is on June 12th. Call Ann on 01205 366020 or Carol on 01205 722879 email: c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk or just turn up and have fun!


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

Holly Christine Warsop
Archie Joshua Rowsell

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

Shane David Elston and Jayne Elizabeth Shepherd

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

no Funerals this month



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

The Community Coffee Shop...........£50

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green),
enclosed in an envelope.


Kirton Youth Challenge

The Youth Centre stands in the centre of the village to serve all the youth of the village and surrounding area.

There are regular meetings of Army Cadets, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Kids club & the Railway Club. Between these groups there must be around two hundred children involved, the majority of them from this village. Adult activities can also be catered for.

There are two large halls one on the ground floor and one on the first floor. Both areas have kitchen and toilet facilities. Both floors have access to the garden area at the rear which is fully enclosed and secure. There is also a meeting room on the first floor.

Certain areas, particularly storage areas, are reserved for the sole use of certain groups. All the groups pay rent to use the premises.

The Youth Centre is a non profit making organisation and all the rent paid goes back into the upkeep and cleaning of the building. The centre has just had a complete new heating system installed at great cost but will hopefully be more economical in the long run.

The centre is overseen by a very hardworking committee of Trustees, made up of user group and local business representatives. The committee meets four times a year but the Chair and Clerk put in many more hours ensuring that all is up to standard and the best that can be, for all the young people it serves. This includes the task of preparing and overseeing the budget! I can tell you from experience every expense and bill is checked and double checked, discussed and pondered over to see if we can stretch our limited funds further. I would also like to point out that the only people who get paid for their duties are the cleaner and the Clerk to the Trustees.

Although a very busy place, the rooms are available for hire for private use, family celebrations, children’s parties, charity or fundraising events. The meeting room is ideal not only for the obvious but for small group training sessions as well.

If you are interested in hiring rooms or require further information please contact the Clerk to the Trustees Mr G Davison on 01205 723238 or email: garytory77@hotmail.com If you want to know more about any of the youth groups at the centre then information is available from the centre itself or from the various organisations.

The Youth centre is a major asset to the Village and its ever growing population. We should, as residents, make sure we use it to its maximum capability for the benefit of young people both now and in the future.

Lesley Lanfranco, Trustee